We Can Wash Away Painful Toothaches

Is your child complaining of a toothache that won’t go away? This is a common sign that an infection has managed to damage the inner structure of a tooth, affecting the pulp (a collection of nerves and tissues). Our certified pediatric dentists in Satellite Beach can help preserve their baby tooth to prevent it from falling out prematurely with pulp treatment. Call us today to schedule an emergency dental appointment!
Why Choose Beachside Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for Pulp Treatment?
- We Accept & Maximize Dental Insurance
- Comfortable Care for Patients with Special Needs
- Certified Pediatric Dentist
Who Needs Pulp Treatment?

Pulp treatment is offered to patients who have an infection or severe decay in a primary (baby) tooth. The goal is to preserve the tooth to allow it to fall out naturally on its own, helping the permanent teeth come in more aligned. Some situations in which we may recommend this procedure include:
- Deeply rooted decay that has reached the inner chamber of the tooth.
- An oral injury or trauma that has damaged a tooth beyond repair.
- Infection, inflammation, or disease that has affected the inside of a tooth.
The Pulp Treatment Process

Pulp treatment in Satellite Beach is a restorative dentistry treatment that we use to prevent decay and infections from spreading as well as to prevent the premature loss of a primary tooth. While it’s similar to the root canal process, pulp treatment is only performed on baby teeth, whereas root canals are for permanent teeth.
Pulp treatment is an incredibly safe procedure completed by our team of experts and certified pediatric dentists. If needed, we may offer dental sedation like nitrous oxide, oral conscious, or IV sedation. This will help them feel relaxed both before and after the treatment. Our pediatric dentists will then access the interior of the tooth and remove either a portion of or the entire pulp and disinfect the chamber. Lastly, we’ll place a dental crown over the top of their treated tooth to provide it with additional protection and support.